Saturday, May 28, 2005

Why Be Moral? (Outline)

Here are my posts on that topic, gathered together in one convenient location. I've got until Thursday to merge them together and condense the result into a 2000 word essay...

1) Introduction to the amoralist's challenge, and working with a conception of morality which allows us to make sense of it.

2) Self-interested reasons: Collective Rationality - answers why we, collectively, should be moral. But what if the question is asked at the individual level?

3) Self-interested reasons: The Good Life. Forces a (partial) retreat from egoism, but insufficient to justify full-blown morality.

4) Seeking neutral ground: the framework view, and rational non-cognitivism.

5) The analogy with prudence (rules out prudence as the standard of rationality; leaves open rational altruism and present-aim theories).

6) Consistency

7) Agent-neutral reasons. (Rules out objective present-aim theories. Leaves open rational altruism and relativism.)

8) Motives and Reasons (some pressure towards relativism).

9) The adoption of ultimate ends (resisting relativism) [forthcoming, though cf. here and here].


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