Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Noted without comment [updated]

An... interesting... combination of links to read together: (ht: Helen)

(1) Jason Stanley on Silencing

(2) "Feminist" philosopher "jj" dismissing the testimony of female graduate students on the grounds that "[t]here are all sorts of power inequalities obtaining between students and professors, and many of them can lead to letters in defense of the attacked daddies."

(3) "I'm not a sexist but..."

Okay, one comment: "daddies"!?

Update: Robin Hanson has an interesting post on research suggesting a vicarious moral licensing effect, whereby "people are more willing to express prejudiced attitudes when their group members' past behavior has established nonprejudiced credentials." Worrisome.

For a much more extreme example of disrespect for female students from a self-identified "feminist" philosopher, see Leiter's disturbing report of a department's sexual harassment cover-up.


  1. Oh my. The exchange has since been deleted, but I did like Elizabeth Barnes' contribution. I didn't save a copy, but her last line was something like "These are not the daddies you are looking for." =)

  2. The worst silencing I've ever been exposed to is internet feminists. They shut down discussions, ban people at the drop of a hat, use shaming language, try to get people to stop arguing by appealing to hurt feelings, and they throw imprecations quite freely.

  3. While I've had some bad experiences with that blog before, I wouldn't want to overgeneralize. Lots of the people there seem perfectly reasonable, and are doing important work. Alas, a few bad apples can really detract from an otherwise-promising group blog, as we previously saw in the case of KBJ and The Conservative Philosopher.

  4. I'm talking about feministing, feministe, and various other blogs too.

  5. Completely unsurprising that they've scrubbed any reference to JJ's comment, given how badly she embarrassed herself (and their blog). One might even go so far as to say that departments in which professors make comments like JJ's clearly "need improvement" as places for women students. Hands down, the most egregiously sexist and offensive thing that has been said in discussion of this issue thus far. (And I don't expect that it will be surpassed.)


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